- November 7, 2018
- Posted by: Perry Bodden
- Category: Community, News

Renewing Accommodation Licensing Advisory
Please be advised that all Accommodation Licenses expire on December 31, 2018. Applications for renewal are now being accepted at BTB’s Belize City and San Pedro Offices. If applications are emailed or mailed by post, please provide evidence of payment (receipt).
Requirements for ALL Renewing Accommodation Properties
- Completed Application Form (signed and dated) (incomplete Applications will not be accepted)
- Department of the Environment (DOE) – non-objection letter
- Fire Department – non-objection letter
- Public Health Certificate
- Central Building Authority (CBA) or Local Building Authority (LBA) – non-objection letter
- Valid Trade License (applicable to businesses registered in towns or cities)
- Public Liability Insurance Coverage
- Declaration of Service Charge Scheme
- Copy of Land Title document
- Detailed Emergency Preparedness Plan
- Receipt of Application Fee of $25.00 plus License Fee of $5.00 per room/unit (Note that a receipt of payment of the license fee is NOT a license or proof of a license).
To avoid delays, please ensure to sign and date the form and include ALL supporting documentations
Any Accommodation who fails to complete the entire renewal process before December 31, 2018 and continues to operate is deemed to be operating illegally. As per Section 27(1) (j) of the Hotels and Tourist Accommodation Act (HTAA), it is an offence to operate without a valid license and a person found guilty of said offence is liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding ten thousand dollars or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years, or to both such fine and term of imprisonment.
Application forms can be downloaded from http://www.belizetourismboard.org/tourism-resources/tourism-forms/ or picked up at the BTB Offices at either 64 Regent Street, Belize City, or the San Pedro Office. Please feel free to contact our licensing officers at 227-2420 or [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns.
P.S. As per Section 10 of the HTAA, where any change occurs in any matter or thing relating to a hotel or tourist accommodation which necessitates any amendment of the particulars in the registration entry relating to such hotel or tourist accommodation, the registered proprietor shall forthwith give notice of such changes in writing to the Registrar, by using the Accommodation Modification Form (http://www.belizetourismboard.org/tourism-resources/tourism-forms/) and if such changes affect the license, shall return the license to the Registrar to enable him to make the necessary amendment.