About BTB

The governing body of Belize’s Tourism Industry, focused on progressive and sustainable developments.
The Belize Tourism Board (BTB) is the legislated body designed to govern, enhance and promote the Belize tourism product. The BTB undertakes numerous strategic initiatives as well as the implementation of tourism policies to address the changing needs of the tourism industry. The organization’s goal is to ensure the socioeconomic growth of Belize through prudent, transparent and effective governance.
Fostering sustainable socio – economic growth of the dynamic Belize Tourism product for everyone to enjoy.
To collaborate with partners and stakeholders in executing innovative strategies to market, develop and enhance the Belize Tourism Product.
- Tourism is a national priority designed to bring benefit to Belize and enhance the overall visitors’ experience;
- Appropriate balance among all sectors of the industry safeguards and secures Belize’s destination-positioning in the global tourism market;
- Tourism sector planning and management are based on partnerships, collaboration and creative approaches;
- Local communities play a meaningful role in the tourism sector, one that ensures economic, social and cultural benefits to each participating community;
- Integrate tourism policy and development programs with national economic, social, cultural and environmental policies;
- The tourism industry is developed with the integral involvement of the private sector;
- Tourism recognizes the importance of protecting Belize’s natural and cultural resources;